Infrapont Economic Consulting, founded in 1998, provides expert economic advice and analysis in regulatory and competition policy and litigation. Our team of experts has significant expertise and references in the fields of the regulation of telecommunications and energy markets, mergers and antitrust, market analysis, business modelling and regulatory impact assessments, among others.
Healthy competition in the market is the basis for efficient economic functioning, which may be constrained by some corporate behaviours but enhanced by others, and the distinction between the two is often not clear.
Infrapont has been a key player, working with the regulator and market players to develop and shape the regulation of the electronic communications sector since the beginning of market liberalisation.
Infrapont provides economic and regulatory expertise to support market players and regulators in the energy sector in solving the issues and challenges on these markets.
Changing market conditions and gradual market opening pose ongoing business and regulatory challenges for postal services.
Infrapont has specialised experience in the assessment of claims for damages based on infringements found in competition proceedings and other litigation.